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").hide().css({ position: "absolute" }).attr("id", f.root); k.children().eq(0).attr("id", f.head).end().eq(1).attr("id", f.body).children().eq(0).attr("id", f.days).end().eq(1).attr("id", f.weeks).end().end().end().find("a").eq(0).attr("id", f.prev).end().eq(1).attr("id", f.next); L = k.find("#" + f.head).find("div").attr("id", f.title); if (c.selectors) { var z = d("").attr("id", f.year); L.append(z.add(A)) } for (var $ = k.find("#" + f.days), N = 0; N < 7; N++) $.append(d("").text(o.shortDays[(N + c.firstDay) % 7])); b.after(k) } if (c.trigger) K = d("").attr("href", "#").addClass(f.trigger).click(function (a) { h.show(); return a.preventDefault() }).insertAfter(b); var O = k.find("#" + f.weeks); A = k.find("#" + f.year); z = k.find("#" + f.month); d.extend(h, { show: function (a) { if (!(b.is("[readonly]") || u)) { a = a || d.Event(); a.type = "onBeforeShow"; H.trigger(a); if (!a.isDefaultPrevented()) { d.each(W, function () { this.hide() }); u = true; z.unbind("change").change(function () { h.setValue(A.val(), d(this).val()) }); A.unbind("change").change(function () { h.setValue(d(this).val(), z.val()) }); I = k.find("#" + f.prev).unbind("click").click(function () { I.hasClass(f.disabled) || h.addMonth(-1); return false }); J = k.find("#" + f.next).unbind("click").click(function () { J.hasClass(f.disabled) || h.addMonth(); return false }); h.setValue(l); var e = b.position(); k.css({ top: e.top + b.outerHeight({ margins: true }) + c.offset[0], left: e.left + c.offset[1] }); if (c.speed) k.show(c.speed, function () { m(a) }); else { k.show(); m(a) } return h } } }, setValue: function (a, e, g) { var i; if (parseInt(e, 10) >= -1) { a = y(a); e = y(e); g = y(g); i = new Date(a, e, g) } else { i = a || l; a = i.getFullYear(); e = i.getMonth(); g = i.getDate() } if (e == -1) { e = 11; a-- } else if (e == 12) { e = 0; a++ } if (!u) { j(i, c); return h } E = e; D = a; i = new Date(a, e, 1 - c.firstDay); g = i.getDay(); var p = R(a, e), q = R(a, e - 1), P; if (c.selectors) { z.empty(); d.each(o.months, function (v, F) { r < new Date(a, v + 1, -1) && s > new Date(a, v, 0) && z.append(d(""); if (w % 7 === 0) { P = d("
").addClass(f.week); O.append(P) } if (w < g) { n.addClass(f.off); x = q - g + w + 1; i = new Date(a, e - 1, x) } else if (w >= g + p) { n.addClass(f.off); x = w - p - g + 1; i = new Date(a, e + 1, x) } else { x = w - g + 1; i = new Date(a, e, x); if (U(l, i)) n.attr("id", f.current).addClass(f.focus); else U(t, i) && n.attr("id", f.today) } r && i < r && n.add(I).addClass(f.disabled); s && i > s && n.add(J).addClass(f.disabled); n.attr("href", "#" + x).text(x).data("date", i); P.append(n); n.click(function (v) { var F = d(this); if (!F.hasClass(f.disabled)) { d("#" + f.current).removeAttr("id"); F.attr("id", f.current); j(F.data("date"), c, v) } return false }) } f.sunday && O.find(f.week).each(function () { var v = c.firstDay ? 7 - c.firstDay : 0; d(this).children().slice(v, v + 1).addClass(f.sunday) }); return h }, setMin: function (a, e) { r = C(a); e && l < r && h.setValue(r); return h }, setMax: function (a, e) { s = C(a); e && l > s && h.setValue(s); return h }, today: function () { return h.setValue(t) }, addDay: function (a) { return this.setValue(D, E, G + (a || 1)) }, addMonth: function (a) { return this.setValue(D, E + (a || 1), G) }, addYear: function (a) { return this.setValue(D + (a || 1), E, G) }, hide: function (a) { if (u) { a = a || d.Event(); a.type = "onHide"; H.trigger(a); d(document).unbind("click.d").unbind("keydown.d"); if (a.isDefaultPrevented()) return; k.hide(); u = false } return h }, getConf: function () { return c }, getInput: function () { return b }, getCalendar: function () { return k }, getValue: function (a) { return a ? T(l, a, c.lang) : l }, isOpen: function () { return u } }); d.each(["onBeforeShow", "onShow", "change", "onHide"], function (a, e) { d.isFunction(c[e]) && d(h).bind(e, c[e]); h[e] = function (g) { d(h).bind(e, g); return h } }); b.bind("focus click", h.show).keydown(function (a) { var e = a.keyCode; if (!u && d(V).index(e) >= 0) { h.show(a); return a.preventDefault() } return a.shiftKey || a.ctrlKey || a.altKey || e == 9 ? true : a.preventDefault() }); C(b.val()) && j(l, c) } d.tools = d.tools || { version: "1.2.3" }; var W = [], Q, V = [75, 76, 38, 39, 74, 72, 40, 37], B = {}; Q = d.tools.dateinput = { conf: { format: "mm/dd/yy", selectors: false, yearRange: [-5, 5], lang: "en", offset: [0, 0], speed: 0, firstDay: 0, min: 0, max: 0, trigger: false, css: { prefix: "cal", input: "date", root: 0, head: 0, title: 0, prev: 0, next: 0, month: 0, year: 0, days: 0, body: 0, weeks: 0, today: 0, current: 0, week: 0, off: 0, sunday: 0, focus: 0, disabled: 0, trigger: 0 } }, localize: function (b, c) { d.each(c, function (j, m) { c[j] = m.split(",") }); B[b] = c } }; Q.localize("en", { months: "一月,二月,三月,四月,五月,六月,七月,八月,九月,十月,十一月,十二月", shortMonths: "一月,二月,三月,四月,五月,六月,七月,八月,九月,十月,十一月,十二月", days: "日,一,二,三,四,五,六", shortDays: "日,一,二,三,四,五,六" }); var X = /d{1,4}|m{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g, Y = d(""); d.expr[":"].date = function (b) { var c = b.getAttribute("type"); return c && c == "date" || !!d(b).data("dateinput") }; d.fn.dateinput = function (b) { if (this.data("dateinput")) return this; b = d.extend(true, {}, Q.conf, b); d.each(b.css, function (j, m) { if (!m && j != "prefix") b.css[j] = (b.css.prefix || "") + (m || j) }); var c; this.each(function () { var j = new Z(d(this), b); W.push(j); j = j.getInput().data("dateinput", j); c = c ? c.add(j) : j }); return c ? c : this } })(jQuery); /*--密码强度--*/ function isSecurity(v) { if (v.length < 6) { iss.reset(v.length); return } var a = -1; var b = (v.search(/[a-zA-Z]/) != -1) ? 1 : 0; var c = (v.search(/[0-9]/) != -1) ? 1 : 0; var d = (v.search(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/) != -1) ? 1 : 0; var a = b + c + d; switch (a) { case 1: iss.level0(); break; case 2: iss.level1(); break; case 3: iss.level2(); break; default: iss.reset(v.length) } } var iss = { width: ["60", "80", "100", "10"], reset: function (a) { $("#BarBorder_TxtUserPassword").html(" 密码强度:弱"); }, level0: function () { $("#BarBorder_TxtUserPassword").html(" 密码强度:一般"); }, level1: function () { $("#BarBorder_TxtUserPassword").html(" 密码强度:强"); }, level2: function () { $("#BarBorder_TxtUserPassword").html(" 密码强度:很强"); } } function Bardisplaynone() { $("#BarBorder_TxtUserPassword").hide(); } function Bardisplayshow() { $("#BarBorder_TxtUserPassword").empty(); $("#ctl00_CphContent_ValrUserPassword").hide(); document.getElementById("BarBorder_TxtUserPassword").style.display = "inline" } String.prototype.endWith = function (a) { var b = new RegExp(a + "$"); return b.test(this) } function batchconfirm(a, b) { var a = (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments[0] : "确定要进行此批量操作?"; var b = (arguments.length > 1) ? arguments[1] : "请选择所要操作的记录!"; var c = false; for (var i = 0; i < document.forms[0].length; i++) { var o = document.forms[0][i]; if (o.type == "checkbox" && o.name.endWith("CheckBoxButton") && o.checked == true) { c = true; break } } if (!c) { alert(b); return false } else { if (!confirm(a)) { return false } } }